Through the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative, the European Commission is helping digitise European industry. FED4SAE is part of this strategy, targeting a large network of…
RACC, the largest automobile club in Spain with around 1 million members, in conjunction with the Zurich Insurance company has carried out a study using…
Our CTO talks about the main challenges cities have with current Air Quality Monitoring Stations and how bettair® can cover this gap by bringing a…
Connecting Europe Facility Context Broker is teaming up with Bettair Cities to help the city of Barcelona kick start an initiative to better monitor air…
On November 6, Bettair Cities was present at the third edition of the SmartCat Challenge 2018, in which, their CEO, Josep Perelló had the opportunity…
Bettair® was born for a single, simple reason: to help provide the solution to the world’s growing air quality problem. Bettair® is a Platform as…
Bettair Cities was one of the winners of the IDTechEx Launchpad, which showcased innovations from 21 start-up companies at the IDTechEx Show held in Berlin,…
We’re back at it again! We will be joining the FIWARE Tech Summit this week in Malaga, where we will be demonstrating our innovative air pollution monitoring…